Now you can test GreenBee project before you make it on hardware. Author M.Mohsin who has sucessfully completed GreenBee project had first tested this on proteus before going to real hardware. And test came positive

You can also give a try to this simulation project. Please not the following:

1. Simulation project can only be run on Proteus 7.4 SP3 or higher (you may still give it a try and update me if it works)

2. You need to generate hex file yourself (download codes from download section.

Here are some tips from M.Mohsin (good one):


Hello Guys!

Since i have completed this project successfully, so i am in a good position to give you some tips that will help you for completing this project

1: Start the project as early as possible before your deadline.
2: Before starting the project you must make a roadmap of your work i-e How and from where to start the project.
3: Make sure before starting that all the components are available in your local market.
4: Never start the project directly on hardware. You must first design and check the simulation of your circuit on a simulation software. I will adivse to go for PROTEUS. This is the most user friendly and easy software to use for simulation purpose.
5: Start with the sensors. First make the sensors. After completing each sensor check and confirm its output. The readings table are given in the report. Your output voltages can be confirmed by that tables.
6: Never assume that you can complete your project by only going through the given report. You will never be able to do that. There are many bugs and errors in the report. You will have to workout alot yourself and find those errors.
7: You will face a lot of problems while making this project. Dont panic at any stage. All the problems will be much easier to solve once you get deeper into the project.
8: Dont try to complicate your circuit because it will cause you problems in troubleshooting. Try to make your each circuit as simple as you can with least number of wires. Make sure you make tight connections (specially for LCD).
9: Always use male and female connectors where ever required. It will make your job eazy since you will require to unplug your certain connections at regular intervals of time.
10: Be careful while solding the Relay and Actuator circuit. A small error in your connections can cost you a big deal.

Stay calm while doing this project:)
If you face any problem feel free to as on the FORUM
Many intelligent people are there to help you!

Engr M.Mohsin


A Screenshot of Mohsin\'s complete finished hardware

Please use forum for any help needed!
Tags Greenbee simulationproteus simulation greenbeeMonitor and Control of Greenhouse Environment-Gree
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23 Dec 2014: 01:07 am
i need the Hex file please

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