Discussion in "AVR Discussion Forum" started by    Ajay    Aug 18, 2007.
Sat Aug 18 2007, 05:55 pm
Please post your doubts regarding "Lets Learn AVR - step by step tutorial" here..
we will discuss it..

[ Edited Mon Sep 03 2007, 01:32 pm ]
Mon Sep 03 2007, 06:38 am
Hi ajay, How are you? i hope you are fine.

Ok ajay, i have a problem with the software. i already download all software that u give in the 1st step. but when i try to install my computer will be stuck. i try to install it to other computer, but it still same.. and 1 thing, can u give the full schematic for avr? becoz the schematic that u give only for interface. so if u dont mind i want the full schematic for avr becoz i want to compare it with my schematic.

Thanks :bye
Mon Sep 03 2007, 01:31 pm
what do you mean by full schematic?
also... I have installed the software in my PC i don't feel any problem.. can you try a different version of AVR studio.. that might help..
 huuthang like this.
Mon Sep 03 2007, 03:23 pm
i mean schematic diagram for avr.

ok ajay, now i can install the program. Thanks. the problem is the file that i download was corrupted. thats why i cannot install the program. hehe
Mon Sep 03 2007, 04:05 pm
for AVR its very simple..
everything is labeled.. MISO will go to MISO of AVR
SCK with SCK of AVR
LED with simple.. LED on the target board.. or u can leave open if you don't want to connect
Led is connected like this.. on the target board..
LED ---|<|-----/\/\/\/\------VCC

For more information on pin configuration look in the datasheet of your AVR.
Tue Sep 04 2007, 04:41 am
ok. Thanks ajay for ur information.
Wed Oct 31 2007, 10:04 am
Ajay~i want to ask about the step3 tutorial.
LD Rn,X+/Y+/Z+ , this instruction.i'm curious about the Z+. izzit this code is for the next pointer?so if i only want to load in only 1 data from 1 address then izzit Z is enough?
Wed Oct 31 2007, 10:22 am
yeah.. slashes in the instruction means you can either use x, y or z.
LD Rn X+
LD Rn Y+
LD Rn Z+
That command load the register Rn with the value stored at location Z and then increment Z.
if you just want to load from location Z and do not want it to increment then you can use the following command
LD Rn, Z
this will load register Rn with value stored at location Z.
Wed Oct 31 2007, 07:45 pm
hey milky
if u want load only one data from address location of ram means , u can do following instruction

LDS r16,$0061
this instruction will directly load the data from ram location $0061
and also if u want store directly means

STS $0061,r16

this will store the data to the location $0061
Mon Dec 10 2007, 12:09 am
Hi Ajay,

I'm begginer in AVRstudio and winAVR. I wrote lcd .h and .c file, but when I use .h in other project, building final files fails:

../test.c:7: undefined reference to `LCD_init'
../test.c:11: undefined reference to `LCD_cursorxy'
../test.c:12: undefined reference to `LCD_sendstring'
make: *** [test.elf] Error 1
Build failed with 3 errors and 1 warnings...

lcd.c was checked before and works fine. I don't know where my mistake is.

Can you help me???

regards Robbby

[ Edited Mon Dec 10 2007, 12:11 am ]

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