Discussion in "ARM Development" started by    sachinmm    Sep 29, 2015.
Tue Sep 29 2015, 01:15 pm
/*hello sir i am facing error in I2C programming on ARM7 lpc2148 platform.....i am interfacing EEPROM with I2C..
there are two file I2C.c FOR DEFINITION and I2C.h FOR DECLARATION

my declaration is void __irq I2C0_Status(void); //for interupt
my definition is void __irq I2C0_Status(void)
Status_Flag = 0xFF; //update status flag
Status = I20STAT ; //Read Status byte
I20CONCLR = 0x28; //I2C interrupt Clear bit and START flag Clear bit.
VICVectAddr = 0x00; //Acknowledge Interrupt
my UART INIT function
void i2c_init()
PINSEL0 = 0x00000050; //set the pin SDA & SCK
I20CONCLR = 0x6C; //clearing the bits of AAC/SIC/STAT/I2ENC in I2C0CONCLR register for controlling the i2c operation
I20CONSET = 0x40; //set the I2EN bit enable the i2c interface
I20SCLH = 80; //Count for SCL HIGH time period selection
I20SCLL = 70; //Count for SCL LOW time period selection

// Init VIC for I2C0
VICIntSelect = 0x00000000; // Setting all interrupts as IRQ(Vectored)
VICVectCntl0 = 0x20 | 9; // Assigning Highest Priority Slot to I2C0 and enabling this slot
VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long)I2C0_Status; // Storing vector address of I2C0
VICIntEnable = 0x00000200;

when i am compiling i got error
I2C.c:99: error: parse error before "I2C0_Status" =??
I2C.h:31: error: parse error before "I2C0_Status" =??

Tue Sep 29 2015, 01:16 pm
i am confused in "__irq"....how it is uesd??

[ Edited Tue Sep 29 2015, 01:16 pm ]
Tue Sep 29 2015, 04:41 pm
my I2C.c file=>>
Description : this application code demostrates I2C interface with EEPROM on LPC2148 development board
Author : Sachin More
Date : 24/09/2015
Platform : LPC2148 Development Board.
Toolchain : arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-gcc
#include "I2C.h"
#include "LPC214x.h"
/**********************************I2C_Init starts******************************************************
Description : I2C initialization
Input parameter :
Return type : zero
void i2c_init()
PINSEL0 = 0x00000050; //set the pin SDA & SCK
I20CONCLR = 0x6C; //clearing the bits of AAC/SIC/STAT/I2ENC in I2C0CONCLR register for controlling the i2c operation
I20CONSET = 0x40; //set the I2EN bit enable the i2c interface
I20SCLH = 80; //Count for SCL HIGH time period selection
I20SCLL = 70; //Count for SCL LOW time period selection

/* Init VIC for I2C0 */
/*VICIntSelect = 0x00000000; // Setting all interrupts as IRQ(Vectored)
VICVectCntl0 = 0x20 | 9; // Assigning Highest Priority Slot to I2C0 and enabling this slot
VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long)I2C0_Status; // Storing vector address of I2C0
VICIntEnable = 0x00000200; */
/**********************************uart0Init starts******************************************************
Description : UART0 initialization
Input parameter : PINSEL0/U0LCR/U0DLL/U0DLM/U0LCR
Return type : zero
void uart0Init()
PINSEL0 = 0X00000005; //this pin used as UART0
U0LCR = 0x83; //this register value transmit 8 bit charactor and set DLAB BIT TO 1
U0DLL = BAUDRATE&0xff; //contains the lower 8 bits of the divisor
U0DLM = BAUDRATE>>8; //contains the higher 8‐bit of the divisor
U0LCR = 0x03; //this register value set DLAB BIT TO 0
/**********************************uart0TransmitChar starts**********************************************
Description : transmitting the char over UART0
Input parameter : string
Return type : zero
void uart0TransmitChar(char data)
while (!(U0LSR & (1<<5))); //wait untill the THR is empty
U0THR = data; //if empty we can write to the registor
/**********************************uart0TransmitString starts********************************************
Description : transmitting the string over UART0
Input parameter : string
Return type : zero
void uart0TransmitString(char *string)
while(*string != '\0' ) //wait untill *string is point to null charactor
uart0TransmitChar(*(string++)); //increment pointer of string to the next charactor

/**********************************delay starts**********************************************************
Description : fuction for some delay
Input parameter : value
Return type : zero
void delay(int value)
int i,j;
/**********************************send starts************************************************************
Description : fuction for START flag is set
Input parameter :
Return type : zero
void Send_Start()
I20CONSET = 0x20; //setting START flag is set and enter in master mode to transmit start condition
/**********************************stop starts***********************************************************
Description : fuction for STOP flag is set
Input parameter :
Return type : zero
void Send_Stop()
I20CONSET = 0x10; //setting STOP flag is set and enter in master mode to transmit stop condition
/*****************************I2C0_STATUS starts*********************************************************
Description : fuction for I2C status
Input parameter :
Return type : zero
/*void __irq I2C0_Status(void)
Status_Flag = 0xFF; //update status flag
Status = I20STAT ; //Read Status byte
I20CONCLR = 0x28; //I2C interrupt Clear bit and START flag Clear bit.
VICVectAddr = 0x00; //Acknowledge Interrupt
} */
/*****************************I2C_STATUS starts**********************************************************
Description : fuction for I2C status
Input parameter : char status code
Return type : unsigned char
unsigned char I2C_Status(unsigned char status_code)
return 1;
return 0;
/*****************************I2C_Send starts***********************************************************
Description : This I2C_send function sends data to the EEPROM 24LC04
Input parameter : *Data & Len
Return type : unsigned char
unsigned char I2C_Send(unsigned char *Data,unsigned char Len)
return 1;
return 0;
/*****************************I2C_Read starts**********************************************************
Description : This function reads data from the EEPROM 24LC04
Input parameter : *Data & Len
Return type : unsigned char
unsigned char I2C_Read(unsigned char *Data,unsigned char Len)
if(Len==1) //Last byte
I20CONCLR=0x04; //set hardware to send nack
if(I2C_Status(0x58)) //last byte has been received and NACK has been returned
return 1;
*Data = I20DAT;
I20CONSET = 0x04; //set hardware to send ack
if(I2C_Status(0x50)) //0x50 means Byte has been received & ACK has been returned
return 1;
*Data = I20DAT;
return 0;
/*****************************EEPROM_Write starts*******************************************************
Description : This function writes data from the EEPROM 24LC04
Input parameter : BLOCK_NUMBER & BLOCK_ADDR
Return type : unsigned char
unsigned char EEPROM_Write(unsigned char BLOCK_NUMBER,unsigned char BLOCK_ADDR)
if(I2C_Status(0x08)) //Start has been transmitted
return 1;
I20DAT = DEVICE_ADDR | BLOCK_NUMBER; // Send Address and block number to I2C0DAT register
if(I2C_Status(0x18)) //Device address, block num and write has been transmitted with ack signal is received
return 1;
I20DAT = BLOCK_ADDR; // Send block address
if(I2C_Status(0x28)) //Block address has been transmitted with ack received
return 1;
if(I2C_Send(I2C_WRITE,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)) //Send Data to the EEPROM
return 1;
return 0;
/*****************************EEPROM_Read starts********************************************************
Description : This function read data from the EEPROM 24LC04
Input parameter : BLOCK_NUMBER & BLOCK_ADDR
Return type : unsigned char
unsigned char EEPROM_Read(unsigned int BLOCK_NUMBER,unsigned char BLOCK_ADDR)
if(I2C_Status(0x08)) //Start has been transmitted
return 1;
if(I2C_Status(0x18)) //Device address, block num and write has been transmitted
return 1;
if(I2C_Status(0x28)) //Block address has been transmitted with ack received
return 1;
Send_Start(); // Repeat Start
if(I2C_Status(0x10)) //Repeated Start has been transmitted
return 1;
if(I2C_Status(0x40)) //Device address, block num and read has been transmitted
return 1;
if(I2C_Read(I2C_READ,MAX_BUFFER_SIZE)) //Receive 16bytes of Data from EEPROM
return 1;
return 0;
/*****************************main starts***********************************************************
Description : main function
Input parameter : zero
Return type : int
int main(void)
PINSEL0 = 0x00000005; // Enable GPIO on all pins
PINSEL1 = 0x00000000;
PINSEL2 = 0x00000000;
IODIR1 = (1<<19) | (1<<18) | (1<<17) | (1<<16); // Set P1.16, P1.17, P1.18, P1.19 as Output
LED1_ON(); //Write Indicator
uart0TransmitString("Write Failed");
LED2_ON(); //Read indicator
uart0TransmitString("Read Failed");


my I2C.h file ==>>
Description : this file includes all function declaration of I2C interface with EEPROM on LPC2148 development board
Author : Sachin More
Date : 24/09/2015
Platform : LPC2148 Development Board.
Toolchain : arm-fsl-linux-gnueabi-gcc
#include "LPC214x.h"
#include "startup.h"

//void uart0Init(); //initialization of UART0 function
#define BAUDRATE 60000000/(16*9600) //set the baud rate 9600
void uart0TransmitString(char *string); //declaration for transmit string function
void uart0TransmitChar(char data); //declaration for transmit char function
void delay(int value); //declaration for delay function
//void i2c_init(); //initialization of I2C function

/*IOSET1 for ON the LED'S*/
#define LED1_ON() IOSET1=(1<<16) //for I2C write indicator
#define LED2_ON() IOSET1=(1<<17) //for I2C read indicator
#define LED3_ON() IOSET1=(1<<18) //for Communication failure indicator
#define LED4_ON() IOSET1=(1<<19) //for Communication success indicator

/*IOCLR1 for off the LED'S*/
#define LED1_OFF() IOCLR1=(1<<16)
#define LED2_OFF() IOCLR1=(1<<17)
#define LED3_OFF() IOCLR1=(1<<18)
#define LED4_OFF() IOCLR1=(1<<19)

//void Send_Start(); //function for setting the START
//void Send_Stop(); //function for setting the STOP
//void __irq I2C0_Status(void); //for interupt
unsigned char I2C_Status(unsigned char status_code);
#define DEVICE_ADDR 0xA0 //device address is 0XA0
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 16 //define 16 bits size
unsigned char I2C_WRITE[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE]={"Atishay Infotech"};
unsigned char I2C_READ[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
unsigned char Status=0;
unsigned char Status_Flag=0;
#define BLK_1 0x02 //block number of EEPROM replace with BLK_1 identifire
unsigned char I2C_Send(unsigned char *Data,unsigned char Len); //This function sends data to the EEPROM 24LC04
unsigned char I2C_Read(unsigned char *Data,unsigned char Len); //This function reads data from the EEPROM 24LC04
unsigned char EEPROM_Write(unsigned char BLOCK_NUMBER,unsigned char BLOCK_ADDR); //This function writes data to the EEPROM 24LC04
unsigned char EEPROM_Read(unsigned int BLOCK_NUMBER,unsigned char BLOCK_ADDR); //This function read data to the EEPROM 24LC04

but i dindn get output???
Wed Sep 30 2015, 12:01 am

i am confused in "__irq"....how it is uesd??


How interrupt handlers are defined is different for every compiler.
Which one are you using ?

Check your help section and look for examples for your compiler.
Wed Sep 30 2015, 03:09 am
__irq is just compiler directive to wrap IRQ routine properly. The main job of interrupt and IRQ handler mapping is done by vector interrupt controller "VIC"
/* Init VIC for I2C0 */
 /*VICIntSelect = 0x00000000; // Setting all interrupts as IRQ(Vectored)
 VICVectCntl0 = 0x20 | 9; // Assigning Highest Priority Slot to I2C0 and enabling this slot
 VICVectAddr0 = (unsigned long)I2C0_Status; // Storing vector address of I2C0
 VICIntEnable = 0x00000200; */

I see that you have commented that part of code, You need to look into datasheet to get more information on VIC.
Wed Sep 30 2015, 02:24 pm
how to used polling method in this?? my code is compile sucessfully but not get the output on uart..

[ Edited Thu Oct 01 2015, 11:01 am ]
Thu Nov 05 2015, 05:28 pm
Polling is not simpler either. I think its the way you're writing your code. Its better to use a switch case statement to handle all the states properly. You can get reference driver from NXP website to start with.

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